
(2023). Usability and Perception of a Wearable-Integrated Digital Maternity Record App in Germany: User Study. JMIR Pediatr Parent.

(2023). WebPPG: Feasibility and Usability of Self-Performed, Browser-Based Smartphone Photoplethysmography. In Proc: 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).

(2023). Prevalence and course of pregnancy symptoms using self-reported pregnancy app symptom tracker data. npj Digit. Med.


(2023). Fetal Re-Identification in Multiple Pregnancy Ultrasound Images Using Deep Learning. In Proc: 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).

(2023). Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mobile Health in Breast Cancer Care: A Systematic Review. Oncologist.


(2022). Machine Learning-based Detection of In-Utero Fetal Presentation from Non-Invasive Fetal ECG. In Proc: 2022 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI).


(2022). Gait Variability to Phenotype Common Orthopedic Gait Impairments Using Wearable Sensors. Sensors.


(2021). Examining the association between self-reported estimates of function and objective measures of gait and physical capacity in lumbar stenosis. Archives of Rehabilitation Research and Clinical Translation.

(2020). Gait features for discriminating between mobility-limiting musculoskeletal disorders: Lumbar spinal stenosis and knee osteoarthritis. Gait&Posture.

(2019). Wearable computing applications in eHealth.

(2018). Self-powered Multiparameter Health Sensor. IEEE J Biomed Health Inform..

(2017). Wearable current-based ECG monitoring system with non-insulated electrodes for underwater application. Appl Sci..

(2017). Smart Textiles. Smart Textiles: Fundamentals, Design, and Interaction.

(2017). Reference-free adjustment of respiratory inductance plethysmography for measurements during physical exercise. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng..

(2017). Poster 109: Discriminating Physical Performance Phenotypes of Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain. In Proc: PM&R.


(2016). Real-Time Respiratory Motion Analysis Using 4-D Shape Priors. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng..

(2016). Instantaneous P- and T-wave detection: Assessment of three ECG fiducial points detection algorithms. In Proc: IEEE-EMBS 13th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN).

(2016). Battery runtime optimization toolbox for wearable biomedical sensors. In Proc: IEEE-EMBS 13th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN).

(2015). Wearable Real-time ECG monitoring with emergency alert system for scuba diving. In Proc: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).

(2015). Using Wearable sensors for semiology-independent seizure detection - towards ambulatory monitoring of epilepsy. In Proc: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).

(2015). Unobtrusive Heart Rate Estimation During Physical Exercise using Photoplethysmographic and Acceleration Data. In Proc: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).

(2015). Temporal correction of detected R-peaks in the ECG signals: A crucial step to improve QRS detection algorithms. In Proc: 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).

(2015). Scalable ECG Hardware and Algorithms for Extended Runtime of Wearable Sensors. In Proc: 10th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA).

(2015). Sampling Rate Impact on Energy Consumption of Biomedical Signal Processing Systems. In Proc: IEEE-EMBS 12th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN).

(2015). Novel Filter Technique to Improve R-Peak Detection for ECG Data with Motion Artefacts from Wearable Systems. In Proc: Computing in Cardiology (CinC).

(2015). Human Authentication Implemented for Mobile Applications based on ECG-Data Acquired from Sensorized Garments. In Proc: Computing in Cardiology (CinC).

(2015). Comparative Study on Classifying Gait With a Single Trunk-Mounted Inertial-Magnetic Measurement Unit. In Proc: IEEE-EMBS 12th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN).

(2015). Arrhythmia Classification Using RR Intervals: Improvement With Sinusoidal regression feature. In Proc: IEEE-EMBS 12th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN).

(2015). A wearable respiratory monitoring device--the between-days variability of calibration. Int J Sports Med..

(2015). A Wearable Real-Time Activity Tracker. Biomed Eng Lett..

(2014). Towards big data for activity recognition: a novel database fusion strategy. In Proc: 9th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets).

(2014). System Design Impacts on Battery Runtime of Wearable Medical Sensors. In Proc: Conference on Mobile and Information Technologies in Medicine (MobileMed).

(2014). SVM for Semi-automatic Selection of ICA Components of Electromyogenic Artifacts in EEG Data. In Proc: 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME).

(2014). Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography - A Rationale for Validity during Exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc..

(2014). Performance Comparison of Two Step Segmentation Algorithms using Different Step Activities. In Proc: IEEE-EMBS 11th International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks (BSN).

(2014). ICA-based Reduction of Electromyogenic Artifacts in EEG Data: Comparison With and Without EMG Data. In Proc: 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).

(2014). Comparison of Real-Time Classification Systems for Arrhythmia Detection on Android-based Mobile Devices. In Proc: 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).

(2014). Comparison of A Priori Calibration Models for Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography During Running. In Proc: 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).

(2014). Automatic ECG Arrhythmia Detection in Real-Time on Android-based Mobile Devices. In Proc: Conference on Mobile and Information Technologies in Medicine (MobileMed).

(2014). An Adaptable Inertial Sensor fusion-based approach for energy expenditure estimation. In Proc: 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME).

(2013). Somnography using unobtrusive motion sensors and Android-based mobile phones. In Proc: 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).

(2013). Schlafstadienbestimmung mit Hilfe bewegungsbasierter Sensortechnologie. In Proc: 84th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery.

(2013). Heart rate variability during physical exercise. Int J Comp Sci Sport.

(2013). Comparison of the AMICA and the InfoMax algorithm for the reduction of electromyogenic artifacts in EEG data. In Proc: 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).

(2013). Classification of Daily Life Activities by Decision Level Fusion of Inertial Sensor Data. In Proc: 8th International Conference on Body Area Networks (BodyNets).

(2012). Heart rate variability during physical exercise. In Proc: 9. Symposium der Sektion Sportinformatik der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft.

(2012). Classification of surfaces and inclinations during outdoor running using shoe-mounted inertial sensors. In Proc: 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR).

(2012). Automatic classification of sport exercise for training support. In Proc: 9. Symposium der Sektion Sportinformatik der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft.

(2011). Quantitative Analysis of the Cardiorespiratory System during Paced Respiration. In Proc: 7th Russian-Bavarian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (RBC).