Usability and Perception of a Wearable-Integrated Digital Maternity Record App in Germany: User Study

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mobile Health in Breast Cancer Care: A Systematic Review

Prevalence and course of pregnancy symptoms using self-reported pregnancy app symptom tracker data

Gait Variability to Phenotype Common Orthopedic Gait Impairments Using Wearable Sensors

Mobility impairments are a common symptom of age-related degenerative diseases. Gait features can discriminate those with mobility disorders from healthy individuals, yet phenotyping specific pathologies remains challenging. This study aims to …

Examining the association between self-reported estimates of function and objective measures of gait and physical capacity in lumbar stenosis

Gait features for discriminating between mobility-limiting musculoskeletal disorders: Lumbar spinal stenosis and knee osteoarthritis

Self-powered Multiparameter Health Sensor

Poster 109: Discriminating Physical Performance Phenotypes of Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain

Reference-free adjustment of respiratory inductance plethysmography for measurements during physical exercise

Wearable current-based ECG monitoring system with non-insulated electrodes for underwater application